wtorek, 31 marca 2009

March 31, 2009

Today was very nice because we met in Fjordskolen polish physiotherapist- Magdalenę, who works in this institution. Now she has break, because on the maternity leave. The surprise was that she lives in Haderslev! :) She has been living in Denmark since 16 years. Magdalena had started to study physiotherapy in Poland and finished here in Denmark. After this year's summer holiday she will continue work in Fjordskolen.
It was very interesting meeteing - we could tell how looks like physiotherapy and study in Poland and the same she explained to us. She said us more how therapists work in Fjordskolen, which methods they use. So now we know much more and lots of things are more understanding :)

My next 'patient' today was:
Jeanette- 9 years old girls with Cerebral Palsy; she is a premature baby; additionally she has epilepsy, spastic legs and very weak postural muscles.
  • the aim is strenghten postural muscles to make possible sitting without any help and belts in wheelchair
She use this wheelchair, which is very adapted to her.

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